
Looking at LifePath Unlimited Do Your Homework!

If you're looking for a legitimate way to make real moneyonline and researching Life Path Unlimited, this is a straight forward evaluation of Life Path purely as a business model.The goal of this Life Path Review is to answer the question: "Can I Make Money With a LifePath Unlimited Business?" (especially in these economic times)In a previous article we evaluated LifePath Unlimited to see if it's the right fit for you.We talked about how the cost for LifePath products, at $25,685 to get started, is really just an inflated price-tag in order to pay out commissions - especially when compared with something like an elite personal development retreat with Tony Robbins at $600.There's a lot of people who say that's a deal breaker. A lot of is find it exremely important to be involved with a product that offers real, stand-alone value and is reasonably priced.But I understand that not everyone feels the same way. So if you're someonewho has no problem paying the bloated price-tag up-front as long as you can turn around and try to earn the big commissions on the back end, let's drill down further and evaluate LifePath strictly as a business model.The main element to consider, no matter what online business you choose, is how you're going to market the product. And that's another major weakness with LifePath Unlimited. As a company, they're not very savvy with online marketing. There are no skilled marketing mentors to learn from one-on-one, and the company doesn't offer a comprehensive training program or provide a proven marketing system that you can duplicate and apply to your business.Essentially, Life Path teaches marketing the old fashioned ways: do home meetings, put up fliers, bug your friends and family, make a "memory jogger" list of everyone you know, and use the "3 foot rule" to harass strangers at the grocery store. Those are out-dated and ineffective marketing tactics, especially if you're new to the business. And one of the big LifePath complaints, especially from "newbies", is the lack of proper mentoring and guidance. How can you build a business unless you know how to generate high quality targeted leads?There is something in place called Plan B Pro System, with Jenn Lawlor, to help provide lead flow. And although I think Jenn is a great leader and charismatic personality, the system itself is pretty clunky.Basically, you have to pay $497 for a "share" in their marketing co-op, which is essentially a guy doing AdWords running a PPC campaign for the entire group. So everyone pitches in, and then, depending on how many shares you pay for, you're getting a percentage of those leads on a rotation.First off, $497 might get you 2-3 leads a day. If you want more leads, you need to buy more shares. So in addition to the $26K to get started, you're looking at a monthly advertising budget of another couple thousand dollars, minimum. Butthe real problem here isn't cost - it's about running an effective business. And the real problem with Plan B Pro System is you've given up control over your own advertising. By letting someone else do your PPC for you, you're not really taking ownership of your business and certainly you're not learning how to market. Think about it. You don't analyze the market, test and tweak, and decide what niches to go after. So you're really not learning anything. What's worse, you haven't even done any personal branding. Let's look at exactly how this works.You pay for your leads, and then every day you get a spreadsheet with name, number and email. And then... yiou start smiling and dialing. Yes, that's right. You're a cold caller!Not what you were looking for... but it's true.These leads have no idea who you are. You haven't done any personal branding. They probably don't even know about LifePath. Many times these "leads" are just people who filled out a very general from, like "Do you want to make money from home?"So you follow up and you're cold calling, taking tons of your time introducing yourself and explaining the business. You have to deal with getting rejected or wasting hours on the phone with tire kickers. Or you get people who may love the business but just don't have the money to join.In other words, you're paying for unqualified leads and wasting a lot of your time prospecting - and that's no way to build a business.Look, no matter what business you join, you're going to need to learn how to market effectively. That means taking control of your own AdWords campaigns, so you can spend less money, get better results, and target a very specific audience. It also means that you use personal branding and attraction marketing to establish a presence online and make a real human connection with your prospects.If you really want to master the art of lead gen, you'll need to supplement your paid advertising by learning the basic principles of SEO and how to use the various Web 2.0 platforms - video marketing, article marketing, blogging, etc. - to generate high quality leads for FREE. This Motorcycle Helmet will lower your marketing costs and maximize your profits. Either you know how to do this already, or you need an experienced marketer to show you how. One of the biggest problems with Life Path Unlimited is, since they don't know how to market effectively online, there's no one to teach or mentor you as a newbie.Because the bottom line in this industry is this: the surest path to success is to find a mentor who knows what they're doing and can teach you to duplicate their proven marketing methods. And unfortunately, LifePath just can't offer that. Summary of LifePath Unlimited Review: There's no such thing as a "LifePath Unlimited Scam". This is a legitimate business where some people can make decent money.But there are sleeker more lucrative opportunities available, and no matter what angle you take, even looking past the inflated cost and just evaluating the potential profit from thebusiness Nail Sticker opportunity, LifePath Unlimited comes up short.

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